Donny was born in Columbia, South Carolina in 1952 and graduated from the University of South Carolina in June of 1974, with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Accounting.
He worked as a Staff Accountant with Cherry, Bekaert & Holland, Certified Public Accountants, a regional CPA firm in Florence, South Carolina, from 1974 until 1976.
In 1976 he founded what is now the firm of BURKETT BURKETT & BURKETT Certified Public Accountants, P.A. in West Columbia, South Carolina, and is currently the president and managing partner of the firm.
Donny has been a member of the South Carolina Association of Certified Public Accountants since 1976. He has served as chairman of various committees and served as president the SCACPA for the year 2000 to 2001.
He currently teaches various Continuing Professional Educational seminars for the SCACPA and other associations throughout the United States.
In January 1998, Donny, as a representative of the SCACPA, was one of 50 members to attend the AICPA Vision Project Forum in Arizona to develop the vision and direction for Certified Public Accountants for the next fifteen years.
As an active member of the Central Chapter of CPAs since 1976, he has served as committee chairman, secretary, treasurer, vice president and president.
Other memberships include the South Carolina Board of Accountancy, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Cayce Rotary Club, Friends of the Cayce/West Columbia Library, and an advisory board member for Airport High School in West Columbia, South Carolina.
Donny is past-president of the South Carolina Association of Certified Public Accountants for the year 1999-2000. He is a founding shareholder of the Commercial Bank of the South (d/b/a Bank of Columbia and Bank of Charleston), which is now Anchor Bank.
Donny has had business management and tax dealings with over eighty medical practices throughout his business career. Over the past four years, he has handled mergers for approximately twenty-six practices as well as having dealt with ten hospitals throughout South Carolina, concerning buyouts of doctors practices.
Donny has also completed a consultant with fifty plus doctors’ practices in dissolution from a national healthcare provider.
In 1996, he became a partner and manager forResourceOne Health Management Service, LLC., in Columbia. This partnership was formed from Burkett, Burkett & Burkett Medical Management Division and Professional Billing Services of Columbia, Inc., to provide comprehensive management services to health care providers.
Donny’s previous speaking engagements have included seminars for various professional organizations presented to fellow accounting professionals on such topics as Strategic Planning and Tax Savings and Medical Practice Management.
He has taught several seminars nationally as well as in South Carolina on Maximizing Profits in Doctors practices and Valuation of Physician Practices and Forecasting Budgets for Medical Management Groups.
Other CPE courses he has taught are The CPA Vision Project: How Does the New Legislation Relate; Construction Contractors: Accounting & Auditing; Using the Corporate Checkbook for Owners and Key Employee Benefits; as well as attending Healthcare Medical Practice Valuation at the Georgia Society of CPAs.
As an added note, Donny was voted one of the Outstanding Young Men in America in 1985 and was recognized in “The Best Tax Practitioner”, an article in a special issue of Money magazine as one of four South Carolina Certified Public Accountant “Tax Pros” available for middle and upper-middle income taxpayers.